Our only way out.

I was busy minding my own business and came across this video on Sky News with Dr Deepti Gurdasani, a clinical epidemiologist. In it, she states:

“By the time you get enough people vaccinated, you get a new variant that arises that escapes previous immunity”

Skip to 03:31

She goes on to say that vaccines won’t end this pandemic alone, but a “layered mitigation with vaccines being one of several mitigations that are used over a period of time…a global movement suppressing the virus rather than living with it which will lead us out of this”. 

In essence, she understands vaccines increase the rise of viral variants with vaccine-escape mutations, but she proposes we combat this by introducing mandates, and vaccinating more people. Einstein would have defined this as ‘insanity’.

There are many flaws to her theory, in fact, it is so riddled with flaws that I had a hard time believing she was an actual epidemiologist on live television. Then I remembered it was 2021 and reminded myself that over the last two years, many who hold the title ‘Dr’, have uttered lie after lie in front of a live audience of millions without even an ounce of embarrassment on their faces. 

A job of a scientist is to investigate the currently unknown, moving human understanding forward as a whole. The role of a medical doctor is to look after patients safely without judgement. It seems to me many people haven’t been doing their jobs properly recently. 

Holes in the cheese, holes in the theory. 

At one point or another in the last two years, you may have come across this diagram (above). It’s an image of the Swiss Cheese Model on how we help reduce COVID-19 infections. The theory highlights many seemingly useful interventions to help stop the viral spread and proposes that the use of a combination (or all) of these interventions are needed to halt the virus from reaching us and thus, infecting us. 

I say, forget the Swiss cheese, you can plonk a whole wheel of brie there instead and it would still not work. Why? Well, whether asymptomatically or not, we must assume that getting infected is (and has been in many) a definite eventuality. This is because SARS-CoV-2 is extremely transmissible and will always be under selection to become more transmissible. The ability to infect more hosts is key for the evolutionary success of viruses. Any proposed intervention is destined to fail. 

You will get infected and likely already have gotten infected by the virus. And here’s the kicker, you will very likely get infected by SARS-CoV-2 and its variants in the future too. There is no hiding. 

There are now more than 400 studies on the failure of compulsory Covid interventions like masks and school closures. In other words, all government-recommended anti-viral interventions have been repeatedly shown to be useless. And it is as if early interventions, effective preventative interventions and other anti-viral treatments have been suppressed in the process. Repeat after me, “we must only use vaccines and we must only refer back to the Swiss Cheese Model, this is our God and only saviour”.

To drive this point further, let’s say theoretically these interventions were all 100% effective, to gain any success, there would have to be a high level of compliance at all times. That’s masks even whilst having sex, eating and showering. Even if you were the last person on Earth and followed the rules, you’d end up getting infected. Unrealistic, doesn’t even cut it. 


The other problem I have with the Swiss Cheese Model is that it completely ignores our immune system. The dismissal of our own natural ability to handle this virus is a heinous crime in my opinion for many reasons:

  • It leaves us dependent on vaccines.

    • Proposing that vaccines are the only way to prevent infection, sets a precedent that the only way to treat future infections is through vaccines or medications. This underplays the vast importance of our own immune system and natural ability to heal itself. It also drives Big Pharma’s stock prices conveniently up. 

  • It leaves us dependent on the government.

    • Vaccines are only available through the state and are tied to societal conveniences tied to the use of vaccine passports. Preventative measures and early interventions have been ignored or suppressed. Science by nature is anti-authoritarian, and so relying on a single source for information/treatment becomes unscientific, and thus dangerous.  

  • The dehumanisation of the individual.

    • Unconsciously, by ignoring our natural capability to fend off infections, we are told we are not enough, when in fact this is far from the truth. We are all lumped into one group when it has been shown we react to pathogens differently. It is our differences that should be studied, it is where answers lie. When we glaze over this fact, we regress scientifically as a society. It also feeds into a communist narrative. 

Our only way out

It seems to me like everyone is frustrated at this point now. I am too. Many now understand that if we continue on the current government-led trajectory we will likely live in an authoritarian regime with mandatory 3-6 monthly vaccines and vaccine passports for the foreseeable future. But it doesn’t have to be this way. 

The first step to achieving freedom is to realise that you are currently not free and to achieve this we have to unlearn media misinformation and focus on scientific facts, primarily that:

  • SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t make everyone unwell. A lot of infections occur asymptomatically, aka without you even knowing. The only real way of knowing if you’ve been previously infected is by testing your T-cell immunity

  • You can still spread SARS-CoV-2 as a vaccinated individual, and in fact, you are more likely to become unwell if you are vaccinated with no previous natural immunity. 

  • Vaccine rollouts have been linked to excess deaths. Due to systematic miscategorisations of data, vaccines have shown no reliable evidence in reducing all-cause mortality but instead linked to spikes of deaths after rollout.

The only way out is through natural immunity. It always has been. Prior infection provides approximately 85% protection against reinfection and a further 90% protection against severe illness if reinfected. Immunity to the natural virus is broader than vaccine immunity alone and thus solves the problem outlined by Dr Deepti Gurdasani (above). We are seeing this with Omicron, where those with existing anti-SARS-CoV-2 CD8+ T-cell responses are likely safe from the Omicron strain. If we don’t vaccinate everyone, then we won’t produce vaccine-resistance variants. It’s that simple. 

These vaccines should have only been used in the vulnerable and only after pre-existing immunity had been ruled out. Moving forward, we should only vaccinate individuals until they are able to handle the live virus safely. Vaccinating an individual after a natural infection is not only unscientific but exposes them to unnecessary side effects.  Once a vaccinated individual has had COVID, stop! No more boosters, nothing. I’ve written more about this here.  

A targetted approach to control infection in the immunocompromised, who are the true ‘superspreaders’ (not the unvaccinated) must also be carried out. I believe the use of vaccines targeting more than just the spike may be beneficial in this cohort, only if safe. I would like to think this would look like a live attenuated nasal spray, instead of the ‘vaccines’ we are using currently. More studies are needed. 

Honestly, we could end the pandemic overnight by not injecting ‘boosters’ or vaccinating the unvaccinated. The fact that these vaccines are linked to a rise in excess deaths is a good enough reason to halt everything immediately. We need to investigate what really is going on. We need to stop using the Swiss Cheese model. We need to stop fearing this virus. We need to ask why we aren’t using other antiviral agents. We need political reform. We all need to say “no, we deserve better”. But most of all, we need to learn to live with this virus.

The hard truth is that we either live with COVID freely or under an authoritarian dictatorship. The virus will always be here with us, but your freedom is rapidly slipping away. Act now. 

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