Prepare for a bleak winter.

Over the last few years, I have felt like I have been shaken out of a daze, turned around and stopped from walking unknowingly backwards towards the edge of a cliff. A few others have also stopped, turned around and realised the great danger we were once unaware of. Though we were lucky enough to have stopped, huge crowds continue to solemnly (and confidently) march one foot behind the other towards a fatal 1000 ft drop. 

In efforts to help, those of us who now see have been screaming and flailing our arms trying to warn others before they are lost forever. Some note our panic and awaken, but most others are too distracted by the glaring TV screens to note our presence. And some even spit and scold us with profanities for, in their eyes, trying to hinder their progress.

Recently I have found it difficult to enjoy day-to-day activities knowing that we are going through WW3. Vaccines, vaccine mandates, vaccinating children, authoritarian control, the destabilisation of the family unit, inflation, increasingly prevalent chronic disease... however you look at it, the future does not look promising. We must also not take the consequences of purposeful distortion of science and medical ethics lightly. We have regressed as a species and the damage done may take decades to fix. What will they teach our children at school during lessons on immunology?

You could call it wishful thinking, but with all the atrocities taking place I am still hopeful that the majority of us will come out of this okay, this is because:

  • Crypto-technology is developing at a rapid rate. Decentralised finance, cryptocurrency and Web 3.0 are all things that are here and here to stay. It looks like we will be anyway. 

  • The cat is out of the bag. There are many millions of individuals, including doctors, scientists and celebrities, who are aware of the narrative and refuse to go along with it. You are not alone.

  • Science will always prevail. You can deny the existence of the sun, but science doesn’t care, the sun will still shine. In a similar vein, the importance of T cells, preventative measures and natural immunity will become mainstream news; and with that, further demolishment of the narrative. 

We are at a crossroads now, and soon approaching a global catastrophe. Many nations are enforcing laws used similarly in Nazi Germany. I worry other nations will adopt this sort of behaviour before freedom can finally prevail. We will succeed but it is when that is the true question. For how long we endure this pain, I believe, is ultimately down to us. 

Like any war, for an end to occur, battles must be won. There must be a winner and a loser and the minds of those left behind must change and unite. We are reaching this point. Either the world turns into a digital dictatorship and is oppressed for years to come, or we find humanity again.

In all honesty, I do not know what the future holds, all we can do is prepare for it.  In the coming months, I recommend you to:

  • Be safe and do not take unnecessary health risks. Drive safely and remove yourself from dangerous situations. It looks like hospitals in the Northern Hemisphere will be affected badly this coming winter. Patient backlog, rise in respiratory conditions, bed-blocking and vaccine mandates will mean that the quality of medical care will be far worse than normal. Try and do your best not to end up in an Emergency Department. Have a well-stocked first-aid kit at home. 

  • Know your legal rights. Rules and regulations seem to change day by day. I did not know that I would have to be defending children from unnecessary vaccinations two years ago, but here we are. There may come a time in your life where you will have to defend yourself or your family legally, to continue working for example. Make sure you know your fundamental rights, have these at hand. 

  • Have hard copies. I’d recommend keeping important documentation as hard copies and safely stored. It is not unreasonable to think there might be issues with electricity supplies or the internet. 

  • Prepare for blackouts. If you experienced an electric blackout tomorrow, would you be prepared? It might be worth buying candles, batteries and gas cylinders just in case. 

  • Store food. If global food chains are affected then it is not unreasonable to speculate that it will be harder to buy food, it may also be more expensive. Begin to accumulate food now. I’d recommend purchasing and freezing organ meats, as they are extremely nutrient-dense. Canned foods, UHT milk and rice may also be worth buying too. You want to get nutritious, cheap, long-lasting foods now, not in a few months time when people are scrambling for them. 

  • Get financially secure. We are approaching a global financial depression like no other, inflation is steadily rising and the definition of money is changing. This is not financial advice, but it would be worth reading about and actively looking into cryptocurrencies. Diversify your wealth. 

  • Draw a line in the sand. This week, take 30min for yourself, sit and reflect on what you are willing to do for the sake of freedom. Initially, this will be uncomfortable, as the thought itself is worrying and we are constantly trying to put it off. But once you have made your mind up, you should feel a sense of relief. You will have to make difficult decisions in the near future, be prepared. 

  • Get fit and stay fit. Winter is approaching and with it other forms of respiratory illnesses too. It might be worth having an adequate supply of vitamin D, vitamin C, magnesium, n acetyl l-cysteine, zinc, black cumin oil, kefir, B vitamins and quercetin.  (Please supplement safely, this is not a medical recommendation). I’d also recommend getting simple home gym equipment such as a jump rope, yoga mat and dumbbells.

Prepare within your means. Do with what you have and can do. Do not make yourself financially or physically vulnerable trying to prepare for the worst. 

The above list is by no means a mandatory checklist, nor was it written to scare you. It should get you prepared or start thinking about the winter. I hope I am proven wrong and this winter is not as bad as I predict it might be. If I am proven wrong, then you would have learnt about Bitcoin and have a small cupboard full of supplements. No harm done. If the winter turns out to be tough however, this list might prove to be extremely useful. 

Stay strong, stay informed and stay free.  I truly believe that humanity will win, but I worry at what cost.

For others who remain sceptical still, I hope you find the truth before it is too late.


Healthcare vaccine mandates, the final nail in the coffin. 


Protect our children.