Healthcare vaccine mandates, the final nail in the coffin. 

A six-week-long consultation was launched at the start of September 2021 discussing making vaccination a condition of deployment for frontline National Health Service (NHS) workers in health and care settings. It is thought that 92% of NHS staff have had their first dose and 88% both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. There are an estimated 100,000 individuals in the NHS who have not had the COVID-19 vaccines. Well, the six weeks now are up and it is believed that the government could announce the proposed change as early as this week (first week of Novemeber 2021). 

NHS Providers chief executive Chris Hopson agrees that “That NHS staff must get vaccinated to protect patients and colleagues and that experts are clear it is safe to do so” but he urged the Government to avoid setting the mandatory deadline during winter months, “when the NHS is at its most stretched” and risking a mass exodus of staff leaving the health service due to vaccine refusal.


The infuriating thing about this proposed mandate is that it collapses under scientific, logical and ethical scrutiny. Should we ask healthcare workers, who have looked after loved ones during the midst of the pandemic, to choose between taking an experimental injection with unknown side effects or risk losing their jobs? For anyone with an ounce of intelligence or compassion, the answer is simple. No. Simply no. This decision shouldn’t have taken 6 seconds, let alone 6 weeks to make. 

For others out there who are still on the fence or pro ‘no jab, no job’ I will go through a recent news article by below titled Covid vaccine set to be mandatory for all frontline NHS workers under plans by Sajid Javid’ and counter the various points made by the ‘Health’ Secretary. You can make up your mind about this mandate after my fact-checking. 

Point 1:

The World Health Organisation defines ‘health’ as ‘a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.’. I bring this up to highlight the fact that though Javid is the UK Health Secretary, it seems that someone may need to remind him of the definition of health again. 

These mandates will leave many jobless and others in financial and social turmoil. These aren’t the words of someone who truly cares about the health of all individuals. Language like “get out and get another job” and “root out” shows the inner thought processes of the man in charge of the nation’s health. In thirty-three words, we have an insight into what is to come, whether you are pro or against these mandates. Empathy, compassion and understanding are universally applied traits (true compassion is acting compassionately to everyone) and cannot be learned overnight. 

Point 2:

Let’s take a step back and analyse this logically. Javid is furious at those who aren’t vaccinated claiming that they are posing a threat to vulnerable patients. It is likely that vulnerable patients are vaccinated and thus what he is really claiming is that the vaccines are ineffective. If vaccines were effective, then the vaccinated would not have to worry. And if vaccines are ineffective, it begs the question, why vaccinate in the first place?

Point 3:

These vaccines were developed to reduce symptom severity and not spread. Vaccinated individuals can, and have been shown to spread the virus. I would actually argue that the unvaccinated, and likely now immune, may be the most reliable subset of the workforce that the NHS employs. Those who are naturally immune are unlikely to suffer from symptomatic COVID again and thus less likely to spread the virus. Staff who are unvaccinated are able to work for longer without becoming unwell and don’t suffer from vaccine-related side effects. Win-win.

Point 4:

Firstly it is not the law that surgeons must have a Hepatitis B vaccine, it is only advised that healthcare staff doing certain exposure-prone procedures need to have had this vaccine. The hepatitis B virus is transmitted by exposure to infectious blood or body fluids, and thus why it is recommended that surgeons have that vaccine. The Hepatitis B vaccine is considerably safer and has been in circulation a lot longer than COVID vaccines. The vaccines are different and the viruses are different, this argument is null.

Point 5:

I highlight this point to show you that the power-hungry are seemingly unaffected by science and logic. Crony capitalism and government mandates have infiltrated and taken over science. So much so that science is no longer recognisable, it ceases to be science, but a zombified version of itself. When the truth is twisted to appease preplanned narratives, it is known as propaganda. When the government are willing to go against the advice given by prestigious scientific institutions such as the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, history states that very bad things happen. 

Society’s downfall. 

The first part of the Nuremberg Code states:

“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.”. 

Individuals cannot exercise informed consent if their decision is tied to future social and financial implications. Informed consent cannot be gained if the harms of said treatment are unknown. Mandating mandatory vaccines completely dismantles the Nuremberg Code and opens the door to a hyper-medicalised version of Hell. 

Mandatory healthcare vaccinations will lead to unvaccinated staff leaving their posts and whistleblowing the many atrocities that they have seen in their career. Those who get vaccinated due to societal pressures will begin to resent the institution they work for. The winter will be extremely demanding for those still left working. The NHS will collapse, leaving many millions without adequate healthcare. If the mandates go through, we all suffer.

Healthcare is a field where science, ethics and compassion should be protected and kept sacred. With one move, the future of UK healthcare may no longer exist as we once knew it. When science is hijacked and politicised, terrifically inhuman acts of violence emerge and are in fact promoted. The similar sorts of inhuman acts of violence that the Nuremberg Code was created to avoid. 

Some of you may know that I voluntarily resigned from the NHS as a doctor in November 2021 due to many reasons mainly linked to the current political climate. Currently I am making a living by providing you content.

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Cause of death: Vaccine-induced myocarditis?


Prepare for a bleak winter.